BuMat Elite Dreamer Series Filament is a new product in the BuMat Elite line up. The Dreamer Series is designed to fit perfectly inside the FlashForge Dreamer 3D printer. It saves you from having an external holder and finding a way to feed the filament to the nozzle from the outside. Plus by having the filament inside, you can make sure taking all the advantage of your enclosed chamber 3D printer. No more messy filament hanging around, you can have everything inside the printers and keep at your workplace neat. You don’t have to worry about the heat and the smell coming out from the printer. Also, you now can keep your product nice and clean as dust and any foreign particle will be kept away from your work. BuMat Elite Dreamer Series Filament comes with ABS and PLA version and 19 different colors for each version including many new exclusive colors such as skin color, pine green, peak green. ** It can work with Dremel Idea Builder 3D Printer’s spool as well.1.75mm ABS at 1.5lb. (0.7 KG)

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