Dremel MM80P Multi-Max Grit Sand Paper – Paint, 18-Pack

The Dremel multi-max can tackle numerous tasks such as sanding wood, removing caulk, removing tile grout, cutting drywall, scraping stuck vinyl flooring, making flush cuts in wood trim, cutting copper * Quick fit accessory change system – provides accessory changes twice as fast as similar oscillating tool systems * Sandpaper accessory allows the multi-max to sand paint, varnish, filling compound on a variety of surfaces. Requires MM11 hook and loop pad accessory * Use 80-Grit for sanding off paint. Use 120-Grit for sanding primer, removing brush strokes and paint runs and drops. Use 240-Grit for final sanding of primers before coating.Dremel multi max accessories also fit the Fein multi-master and the Bosch multi-X

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